Nokia is gone

May 24, 2015 root News

Hi, people!

Long, long time no see. I’ve had many issues organizing my own career, so that’s why I had no time at all the last 2 years to posting. But I’ve been working in the Android version all the time and it is almost ready. We are doing some final tests and as soon as possible it’ll int the google play.

In the meantime, I’m deeply sorry to hear that the Nokia Store has been closed. You know, the people at Nokia had always been kind, at least with us, and it was so unfortunate that the Microsoft acquisition ended up in the Nokia closing. So we don’t have any distribution channel to the J2ME version of BioShot. So there are some broken links to the Nokia store. We will update them soon. In the meanwhile stay tuned. Android version is almost there!

A. Dantas

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